Kiss Me on Clover Hill Prologue Review

Hey everyone! This month has been a little crazy so far. I've been working to prepare my cosplay for Waku Waku and NYCC. So far so good! I'm wondering whether or not I should start a cosplay page for Facebook. Tiff and I are thinking about starting on together.

Anywho, today I'll be reviewing Voltage's app they released earlier this month, Kiss Me on Clover Hill. Enjoy!
July 2, 2015

It's your first day of college and you're excited and nervous. You're in the Design Department in Mukaigaoka College of Art. You quickly make two friends and head to the entrance ceremony. After the ceremony, you head to the house where you a renting a room to meet your new roommate. After a misunderstanding you find yourself without lodging. Wandering the streets you see a home that feels warm and inviting that somehow draws you to it and made an offer.

The Guys of Kiss Me on Clover Hill
  • Shokichi
  • Yusuke
  • Soichi
  • Bunta
  • Chihiro
  • Kazuto
Plot: I've seen some people remark that this plot is very similar to Our Two Bedroom Story and Serendipity Next Door. The thing I love about Voltage is while they may use similar tropes (forced living situation or realizing running into people and coming home and realizing you live/will be living with them) I feel that they always bring a fresh take on it. In this case it's that you'll be living in a house with a bunch of guys. In OTBS you only lived one on one with on of the bachelors and in SND you were in the same apartment complex.

The route had a really great start and a nice flow to it as it went on. I also found the scenario that found you homeless really realistic. Who hasn't been friends with a girl that has dated are really inappropriate, douchy boyfriend. The fact that she decides believe the MC and throws her out is adds to the realism of the situation. She had never meet the MC before, so why would she believe her over her cheating boyfriend. I also felt the MC's reaction was very believable. 

The MC: I felt that Voltage was able to create a complex character in a short amount of time. We were able to see her stand up for herself, her thoughts, and her personality. I am interested to see what she'll be like in different routes.

Design: Another super cute app design! Voltage really knows how to have a complimenting color scheme. I always love when they include interactive features. This time you can click on different areas of the house and discover the bachelors.

The Guys: I enjoyed the differences in how they looked along with the personalities. They all felt like their own separate character. I couldn't find too many similarities between the guys. There are about six more stops on the choose a character section. I'm excited to see who they'll be adding to the game.

Also, I freakin love when Voltage's games have multiple seasons or parts. So, I'm sure I'll end up playing through most of them once I find a character I like enough to buy them all for.
Routes I Want to Purchase: Soichi, Kazuto, Yusuke, and Chihiro

I'll be reviewing their latest release Labyrinths of Astoria soon. Tiff and I will be meeting up later today for bubble tea and to kick it. Hope you all have awesome weekend plans. Catch you later!

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