Plans After June

My contract at my current school ends in June. I don't have an exact date yet, but I am preparing for the worst by thinking ahead. I wouldn't want my contract to randomly end in early June; that would leave me only a few weeks to decide what I want to do. My boss said that if we end early we could stay in our housing until June 30th. I would rather not take his word for it because he tends to give misinformation and even outright lie, but that's another post.

I recently returned to China after having a nice month long break for Spring Festival (also known as Chinese New Years). I went back to NYC and spent time with important loved ones and friends. Unfortunately, I didn't get to my family because they majority still reside in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and my parents are in Alabama. Regardless, it was a relaxing time that granted me much needed space and time for reflection.

Back when I was first interested in teaching in Asia, I only considered staying for a year. When I left for China in October, I decided to be open to the idea of staying another year. I figured why close myself off to the possibility if it felt right. If June came and I really wanted to stay then why not do it?

So, here are the options:
  • teach in another country in Asia (Taiwan or Japan)
  • teach in another city in China
  • move back to NYC
  • move to another city in the U.S.
Right now I am only contemplating the last two options. I officially decided over break not to stay abroad. I think I will always explore other countries. I knew coming to China that I didn't want to pursue being a teacher as a profession. Teaching is something that I have always wanted to try; many important role models in my life have been teachers. Teaching my kids has been amazing, but I know that I need to figure out what I want to do with my life. Staying another year would leave me with the same questions. I might as well face them now. I need to figure what I want to do for my career; staying abroad will only delay it.

First Semester Reflections

I recently completed my first semester teaching in China! I am very proud of myself; I have completed a goal of mine that was four years in the making. I first became interested in teaching in Asia in 2008. I'm wouldn't change anything that I encountered along the way. I feel that it made my desire to live and work abroad increase. I remember being excited and enthralled in the blogs I would read about others' adventures abroad. I couldn't wait for the chance to do it myself!

I arrived in China in early October. I am in a small Chinese city located in Shandong Province. I teach 5th graders. I have six classes making a total of 24 hours a week. My classes are 35 minutes long. This was my first time out of U.S. as well as my first time teaching.

I loved teaching and to my surprise I was naturally good at it. My students and I bonded very quickly. I really love my students; they are so smart and sweet. I realized that I had made the right decision to try out teaching. My school isn't the best, but I no longer allow my employer to make me upset. I also really love China; it felt amazing to know that my research paid off. I was a little concerned about liking my city. There's isn't a lot to do here, but I like Dongying regardless.

Socially, I had ups and downs, but in the end I distanced myself from negative, harmful people and found true friends. These friends I truly believe I will have for years to come. I think what made this easier was that I didn't come with the express intention of only making friends. I came to experience living and working abroad, increase my independence, and achieve career confidence. The great friends are a wonderful bonus!

I had a really great first semester! I learned valuable things about myself, focused on the bigger picture, took a great chance, meet wonderful friends, and had fun. I think I grew a lot, too. The important things went right; that lets me know that I am in the right place at the right time!

Nice to Meet You!

Hi, welcome to my blog^^ My name's Tracy, I also go by Princess Sweet T or Misha Shay. You can call me either one :) I grew up in the South until I moved to New York for college when I was 18. I attended Sarah Lawrence; we don't have majors; so, I concentrated in Theatre, Literature (all kinds), and Japanese. I decided to stay in NY after I graduated college.

I can speak Spanish, Japanese, and Mandarin. I want to learn a little Korean soon! I’m a super duper nerd and geek! I consider reading an addiction. I also love video games, sci-fi/fantasy, manga, and anime; I’m also starting to get more into fashion. I enjoy riding my motorcycle which I miss dearly (it's still in Alabama). I’m a tomboy, but I think I am balancing out as I get older.

I am also a jack of all trades, so I know a little bit about most things. I love to learn about new things! I tend to fall down Wikipedia/Tumblr holes. I still have no clue what I want to do with my life, but I'm working on it!

This blog is about all the things I like and things that happen in my life. Thanks for stopping by!