Labyrinths of Astoria Prologue Review

Hello everyone! I hope you've all been well. I had a rough start to my week due to me twisting my ankle on Sunday. It's a lot better now since I've been taking it easy. I wanted to quickly review Voltage's latest release: Labyrinths of Astoria. Voltage recently launched it's new line AmeMix and Labyrinths of Astoria is it's first game. AmeMix was spawned from feedback Voltage received asking for more diversity in it's games. It's also targeted for women around the world whereas the majority of Voltage's previous releases were all set in Japan with typically an all Japanese cast of characters.
July 16, 2015

You work with for the gods in NYC with an organization called H.E.R.A. On your way to start your work day you run into a few mythical creatures and Hades. You decide which one you want to work with regarding their case. This could be your step to a major promotion and unexpected chance at love.
Love Interests for Labyrinths of Astoria
  • Medusa: Standoffish
  • Hades: Polite and focused
  • Hydra: Flirt
  • Chimera: Kind and talkative
  • Cerberus: Cute and sweet
Plot: This plot was really imaginative and I loved how much thought the AmeMix team put into it. I will say that the prologue did feel a bit short, but that's understandable due to it being the line's first release. I loved that it was set in NYC; it's nice to see the city I live in represented. The stills for NYC were very realistic. The storyline definitely made me want to purchase a route and see what would happen next. It does a good job at giving you enough information so the world seems real, but also leaving you wanting to find out more.

The MC: She seemed very driven and confident in herself which I enjoyed. She didn't really seem to second guess herself which can be a common trait in a Voltage MC.

Design: I will say it's not my favorite. There's something about some of the character's art designs that I'm not a fan of particularly Chimera. Hades has his moments for me, I don't like his art style when he is facing the MC directly.
The app did have some cute little sections that you could interact with. I always love when Voltage adds that!
Love Interests: This is the first time Voltage will have a female route available, and I'm really excited to see what it will be like. So far I am really interested in Cerberus and Hades. i liked their design and personality the best.

It's time for me to take my butt to bed and ice this ankle of mine. I feel like such an old lady haha Please keep yourself nice and cool during our umpteenth heat wave. Good night!

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