Waku Waku +NYC Convention: Japanese Pop Culture Festival Day 1 (pic heavy)

Hey everyone! I hope the weather hasn't been too harsh for ya. NYC hasn't been told cold which is a relief and kinda worrisome at the same time. Fingers crossed for a mild winter! I've attended quite a few events and I'm behind on writing about them. Ah the convention season lol

Back in August Tiff and I attended Waku Waku +NYC and it was amazing! It was the first time that this convention had been held, but it didn't feel like it. It was ran very well except for a few minor snags here and there. Waku Waku +NYC is a two day Japanese pop culture festival that launched this past summer in Brooklyn. The festival consisted of many aspects of Japanese pop culture like anime, manga, music, food, film and fashion. There was a dealer's room, exhibits, panels, screenings and fashion shows.
We learned beforehand from the schedule that the event would be spread out over five locations in Greenpoint and Williamsburg (Brooklyn Expo Center, Transmitter Park, Wythe Hotel, Brooklyn Bowl, and the Verboten). They were also kind enough to have shuttles that went between each location and would also pick you up from the Greenpoint subway station. The first day I cosplayed as Kagome and Tiff wore her young Eren cosplay from Attack on Titan. 
The pre reg line was great which was a welcome change from what happened at AnimeNEXT. They were kind enough to direct everyone to stand in the shade. The line was slightly wrapped around the block but it went very fast to our relief.

6% Doki Doki booth

We headed straight to the dealer's room the place where your hard earned coins go to die lol I lied to myself sayin I was only gonna spend $50 haha Yeah right! I went in the first day and spent way more than I originally wanted. I don't feel like anything I bought was a waste :)
Mi spoils lol

I decided to grab some art to decorate the walls in my room. The art is from the same lady that draws the Princess Love Pon webcomic, so I was super happy to find her booth. I really love her art style. You can check out her tumblr^^

I was really happy to see a lot of vendors that had J Fashion clothing and accessories. There were quite a few booths that had Lolita items. Baby had a lovely booth. 
I forgot to take a pic of my faun/flower headband and cute shirt I got from a vendor. If any of you are following me on Twitter or Snapchat I posted a pic of me wearing the headband on there.
Kaneki and Kagome

After us going h.a.m and buying a bunch of stuff we went outside to where all the food vendors were. Believe me when I say everything smelled amazing. We saw a takoyaki vendor and decided to grab that. After eating we headed over to the fashion show for PUTUMAYO. The brand is designed by Hasegawa Shunsuke and consists of Lolita, punk, and gothic styles. Apologies in advance for the camera quality. These photos were taken with my old S3 before I upgraded to the iphone 6s and got that bomb quality.
All the models and Hasegawa Shunsuke at the end of the fashion show
I really loved how at the end the designer took the time to talk about each piece and where he got his inspiration from. 
I really enjoyed every coord, but my favorite would have to be the ouji coord along with picture above. I love that print!
Can we talk about how this ouji was pouring it up. Slay me fam.
After the fashion show we called it day since there weren't any other panels or events that we wanted to go to.
We found this really cool street art on the way back

Here's some more pictures from the expo center!

I bought some cute accessories from these lovely ladies
Gaming area
Designers of Baby the Stars Shine Bright
See you in my next post! I still have one more day of Waku Waku to write about. Thanks for reading!

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