Voltage Inc. Otome Game Day and Personal Review Pt. 2

Hello peeps! I am back with the next post of my Voltage, Inc. review. You can find the first post here : ) In this post, I'll be reviewing four more Voltage games. Leggo!

5. My Sweet Bodyguard
November 9th, 2012
The prologue opens with you watching news in the middle of a crowded street about a new handsome Prime Minister that was just elected. Suddenly a man in a mask with a gun attacks you. You are saved by a woman and pulled into a helicopter, but you have no clue what's going on. You later found out that you are the daughter of the newly elected Prime Minister.

I enjoyed this story more than I thought. The story line is grounded in reality, and it gets me thinking which I love. One thing I wonder about is what happened made the MC's mother decide not to tell let her see her father. 

The MC: This MC is giving me life! I loved how she behaved in the helicopter. Subaru was being a little mean. Like why would you talk to someone that has no clue what the heck is going on like that?! Like bruh, really! Subaru has no chill apparently. The art style wasn't my favorite.

The Guys of My Sweet Bodyguard
  • Subaru: Alpha male
  • Kaiji: Your childhood friend. Teases you.
  • Sora: Fun and cheerful.
  • Katsuragi: Strong and serious.
  • Misuki- not in the prologue
  • Ishigami-not in the prologue
  • Goto- not in the prologue
  • Kurosawa- not in the prologue
Attractive: Goto
Intriguing Character Description: Subaru, Katsuragi, Goto
Routes I Want to Purchase After Playing: Katsuragi
Guys I Didn't Care For: Subaru, Sora, Kaiji. Did I like anyone in the prologue? lol

Note: There are four coming soon spots.

6. Be My Princess
 December 4th, 2012
You are living in a foreign country as an exchange student. You help a man avoid ruining his clothes. In turn he invites you to a party where you meet the prince of your dreams. 

For some reason this was the hardest prologue for me to play. It took me about three times to get through it, and I don't know why. Maybe there were too many accidental meetings and not enough time for me to get to know the MC. I realized that I really do enjoy hearing the MC's background, thoughts, and feelings before the story takes off. In some ways it made since because you as the player are thrown into things just like the MC, but usually there is a least a little more background information in most Voltage prologues.

The MC: I really couldn't get a feel for her because so much was happening to her. So you get a lot of her being bewildered and feeling out of sorts. She definitely stays calm and handles things pretty well, so I do like that aspect of the MC. 

The Guys of Be My Princess
  • Wilfred: Very stoic. It's hard to tell what he is feeling.
  • Keith: Rude and proud. Homeboy has no filter.
  • Roberto: A little bit of a flirt. Very nice.
  • Glenn: A little of a tsundere. He is a little sensitive about being treated like a kid because he's younger than the other princes.
  • Joshua: Has lots of rules and can be blunt.
  • Edward: Very sweet and elegant.
  • Zain: not in the prologue
Attractive: All of them!

Character Description: Roberto, Joshua, Edward

Routes I Want to Purchase After Playing: Roberto and Wilfred

Guys I Didn't Care For: Keith

Note: Zain wasn't in the prologue, so I tried to read his first chapter for free but it was super short and his character never appeared. It just continues after a prince asks you to dance and you decline. I read up a little bit on Zain's route and it seems like you either love it, hate it, or feel disconnected to it. I feel iffy about buying his route.

I loved how each prince was introduced with their own special shot.

Memorable Lines
Please get off the hateraide

7. Love Letter from Thief X
December 16th, 2012
The MC works at a museum and suddenly at the end of one of her shifts, two men come in to commit a robbery. Later that night you arrive home to a letter from the Black Foxes, a notorious group of thieves, stating that they are coming for you. 

This prologue was a lot of fun to play. The dream in the beginning really made me feel like something important was coming my way. I really enjoyed the flow of the prologue; it felt very realistic. It made me get into the story very easier which was refreshing after playing the Be My Princess prologue and feeling a little disconnected from that storyline.

The MC: I love love love this MC!!! She's super smart, doesn't take shit and calls out the guys out. She doesn't just go along with everything without voicing her opinions and boundaries. 

The Guys of Love Letter from Thief X
  • Takuto: The rude one.
  • Kenshi: The fun, nice one.
  • Hiro: The flirt.
  • Riki: The arrogant one.
  • Atsumu: The older one.
  • Tatsuro: not in the prologue 
Attractive: Takuto, Riki, Kenshi, Hiro, Tatsuro

Intriguing Character Description: Kenshi and Riki 

Routes I Want to Purchase After Playing: Riki, Kenshi, Hiro

Guys I Didn't Care For: Takuto, looking like a Hanazawa Rui bootleg from season 2 of Hana Yori Dango, boy bye!

Memorable lines
Well gee thanks. Is it obvious now that I don't like the rude ones? lol Must be my Southern upbringing.

8. A Knight's Devotion 
April 11, 2013
The story follows a young woman who works at a flower shop. On her way to the library she is attacked, but saved by two knights. She later discovers that she is the daughter of a king that is ill. She must select a knight that will be her personal guard. 

It moved a little slow for me, and I thought there were some parts that weren't necessary. Things flowed better after she meets the knights.

The MC: I like that she is a bookworm and has a quick wit. I hope she learns how to protect herself better because throwing a pastry at someone trying to kill you ain't a good look.

The Guys of A Knight's Devotion
  • Lute: Calm and loyal.
  • Gaia: Strong, silent type.
  • Shion: Super lazy.
  • Ken: He's been friends with the MC for about 5 years. Possessive.
  • Haku: The playboy.
Attractive: Lute, Gaia, Shion, Haku

Intriguing Character Description- ALL 

Routes I Want to Purchase After Playing: Lute, Gaia, and Ken

Guys I Didn't Care For: Haku, Shion, Ken 

Note: I was interested in Ken, but later read some disturbing things about his route. So it became a no go for me.

That's it for this post! I'll be continuing with four more games in the next part. I hope everyone had an awesome Memorial Day weekend! I have been seeing a lot of movies lately which is unusual. I saw Godzilla last week and X-Men Days of Future Past on Saturday. I really enjoyed both movies. Thanks for reading!

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