♥︎Baby the Stars Shine Bright and Tokyo Rebel Store Opening♥︎

Hey! I hope everyone has been well. Work has still been crazy, but it's starting to calm down. I've been attending some events and visiting new places in the city, and I'm excited to share with you! Last month my boo Tiffany and I got to go to the opening of the Baby the Stars Shines Bright and Tokyo Rebel store together. 

I met Tif at Grand Central and she looked adorable! Her coord was really cute and well put together. Her accessories were super cute!
Her coord

I've decided that I really want to plan a coord, but since I don't know what style I want to do yet or haven't seen a dress that's out that has caught my attention, I would just rock a J fashion street style outfit. 
My outfit

A cute girl of color's mother asked if Tiffany would take a picture with her daughter because the girl liked her outfit. It was the cutest thing ever^^

Next, we proceeded to head down to Astor Place. I noticed the whole time that we were together most people were chill about her and would look at go about their day. There were a few people that were being a little extra about it -_- I'll get into that a little later. 
Frilly lady on the train^^

We decided it was probably smart to eat before we went to the opening. The opening was at 1 pm; I heard the day before that there was a special tea party earlier for people that bought tickets. We figured it would be smarter to eat before we headed to the store. We passed by Ippudo NY and decided to give it a try. Tif had eaten there before, but I hadn't had the chance and always wanted to try it. It's usually super packed at night, so I always end up eating somewhere else. We decided to try the Hirata buns, and they were delish! They were also super filling.
We walked to the store from there and got there right at 1. On the walk over a lady called to Tiffany to ask if she could take our pictures. She remarked that Tiffany looked like a strawberry parfait that came down from heaven. I had to snap a shot of its beauty. I love that purple and black coord in the window ^_^
Unfortunately, the line was down to the end of the block. We ended up waiting in line for four hours. When we left the line wrapped around the block and was longer than we we arrived. The other downside was that there didn't seem to be a time limit, so people were in the store for awhile. Also people were cutting in line. It wouldn't have been a big deal if it was a few people, but it would be like a group of ten girls joining another big group. I  had new flats on like a dummy and the back of my feet were killing me.

The upside was that we made friends with the girls in line in front of us :) They were wearing some awesome coords. Also, there were a lot of POC lolitas and that made me super happy. 
Kitty in her beautiful coord. We exchanged tumblrs and now follow each other :)

Another lovely Lolita

Us waiting in line

Tiffany's macaroon necklace^^

We finally got in around 4. I bought two magazines a KERA magazine and the Gothic Lolita Bible. I could not wait in line with my feet killing me and not get anything lol Tiffany bought a super cute dress.
Tokyo Rebel section

Ugh, I wanted this dress soooo bad! One day my friend you shall be mine >_<

I do have a mini rant to go on about people's reaction to Tiffany and the other lolitas in line in general. Tiffany told me that when she got on the train, she heard someone taking her picture. Also a girl gave her the rudest look ever for no reason. Honestly, people trick you into thinking that because NYC is a fashion capital people don't act weird about different styles. Sadly, that's not the case. There were people just taking pictures of the girls in line. Okay that's a little awkward, but some people got even more disrespectful by taking pictures of girls without their consent. One of the girls we made friends with said someone came up behind their friend and was trying to take a picture of her back. Like wtf?! How about you ask her if you can take her picture?! I saw another older gentleman that was trying to take a picture of a girl without her permission. She told him to stop and his comment was, "Why? You're dressed like that." She corrected him that she dressed for herself and told him to leave her alone. He then tried to stand across the street and take her picture. Tiffany did receive mostly positive remarks, but there were some guys when we left that were being super rude. He was just loudly talk shit about her right behind her back as we were trying to get a taxi. He didn't realize I was with her probably because I was dressed differently. I literally stared them down, and his friend noticed and apologized. Like why do you feel the need to talk about someone because of what they're wearing. Nothing is ever that serious. It doesn't matter what you think about it because it's what makes them happy. End of rant.

I would love to visit the store again when it isn't so crowded. We were pretty tired and just wanted to go home and crash afterwards. I had a lot of fun with her and can't wait to have more adventures with her! If you want to check her out you can follow her at @Ferenteeny on Twitter. Thanks for reading!

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