The Language Struggle

Hello dears! I had such a relaxing weekend, so relaxing that it was hard to bring myself to work this morning lol I had such a bad case of the Mondays. I want to go straight home after work, but I need to hunt down a fall coat for when it starts to get into the 50s and early 60s. For some reason I don't have an in between jacket which is a necessity here.

Anywhoooo, I'm trying to actively think about what language I want to study and believe me when I say the struggle is so real right now with me picking which one. My goal is to start studying by the Spring or Summer at the latest. so it's good that I'm thinking about it now. I'm still not sure if I'm studying just for fun or for work related goals. This distinction would greatly influence what I end up picking. Here's the languages I'm interested in studying:

My first language that I ever studied; I learned it for two years in high school. I think it's a beautiful language and I love the way it sounds. Spanish came very easily to me, and I think it's a good language to know and very useful. I can understand Spanish, but I've lost a lot of my speaking. I can remember the basics. Boba speaks Spanish, and I would love to speak it with him on a regular basis. He was born in the states, but lived with his family in Mexico (his father moved from Mexico to the states as an adult) for about six years when he was younger then moved back to the States. He still has family there; Mexico is also a country I would love to visit.

I started studying in 2006, and I'm at an Intermediate level. I sort of have a love hate relationship with Japanese. Most of my interests involve Japanese, so it's really useful for me to know for my geeky/nerd endeavors. At the same time, my speaking is not as good as my listening, reading, or writing. A few of my besties speak Japanese as well, so I definitely have people to practice with. I think for me it's a question of whether to maintain the skills I have or actively study.

I started learning Mandarin when I lived in China (wow I can't believe it'll be two years soon since I taught there!). I could read some of the Chinese characters because I know Kanji which takes from them. Mandarin and I just clicked and I think that I can also do a lot professionally with the language.

I'm becoming more interested in Korean culture and would love to visit Seoul. I also think that it would be refreshing to start a new language. I've also heard that if you know Japanese, Korean will be a lot easier because some things are similar. I also have a bestie that's Black and Korean, and we're interested in learning together.

That's it for this post! Are any of you studying a language at the moment? If not, which language would you choose? Also if anyone's studying any of these languages please let me know! It would be cool to have a language partner^^ I think once I figure out my intentions regarding learning it'll be easier to decide what to go with. Thanks for reading!

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